I'm not a robot, I'm human

September 26, 2024

With all the swift transitions, hustle and bustle of life, existentialism can seem a bit synthetic. It is as if we make decisions solely based upon the guidelines, systems, and rules of thumb that are given us. Kinda of like, Dr’s/Specialists treating an ailing patient solely based upon the book and the “symptoms” while never really considering what the patient is saying about his or her body, the way they feel, or even what effects the medications may have on them. I, in some respect can speak from a place of some sort of subjectivism, watching while the Dr’s., who were specialist, telling me that my wife was on her way down. When repeatedly, I expressed to them no this is what is happening, this is what happens, this is how this goes etc., only to be looked at as if I didn’t know what I was talking about. Well, being married for 20 plus years, I think, gives some sort of experiential credence to anything I have to say. Nevertheless, when the Dr. came in who pompously stated, I came to see her because they said she is going down, to his surprise was an awakening to the fact she was actually going up. Synthetic. Granted, my wife’s turn around I attribute totally to prayer and Christ raising her up, non the less, the arrogance, at times, perpetrated by qualified professionals can be quite problematic. I am in no ways stating that we don’t need Dr’s, psychiatrists, counselors, pastors etc., but I am saying that no matter the degree obtained when it is we override sense and sensibility, based upon what we have learned or have acquired logically, mathematically, scientifically, or the like, we miss opportunities to engage discerning qualities that our Creator has given us that more times than not give us more intimate touches and glimpses into another’s life.

I believe, this synthetic reality has crept in so incognito ( I would say incognegro but I am speaking to a broad audience) that the flavor of human touch has dissipated quite drastically. Now it seems that if you don’t have IG, LinkedIn, FB, or some type of social media presence that you are synthetically over looked. If you are not following algorithms, daily post requirements, or following the trend of a social/media platform that dictates how we interact with one another then you are synthetically over looked. It would seem that we are becoming so obsessed with being autonomous or godlike that we are normalizing crazy in order to identify the crazy we silently experience within. Well shucks we are governed by CRAZY…

Good and evil, right and wrong still have a place in our society. The knowing of such can eliminate the crazy we experience within and attempt to wrestle with daily. When we embrace such truth’s one cannot help but to open ourselves to embrace the precious gifts of discernment within, that is free enough to look beyond man made norms based on the psychoanalysis of cultures, creeds, genders, and nationalities. For myself, Grace is the answer that not only balances the scale but provides an answer to the crazy within us all. But this is not a post about faith, although I cannot detach myself from my faith, but is to show that when we allow systems, concepts and philosophies of greater structure to define what internally has been divinely breathed our search for identity and that intimate touch that can soothe the burning within, calm the raging storm looking to destroy, silence the frustration and fears feverishly looking to break out and reek havoc, because we have embraced the reality that we are not robots, we are in fact human. Created in the image and likeness of God.

Some tuff questions:

  • When is the last time you loved someone because love was what they needed?
  • When is the last time you did something because you felt that intense urge that said help, assist, be there? It’s okay to say no.
  • When is the last time you went to the park during break or took off early so you could just sit and embrace life?
  • When is the last time you did something because it was the right thing to do?
  • When is the last time you didn’t do something because it was the wrong thing to do?
  • When is the last time you truly embraced the ugly you, the bad you, the good you, the optimistic you?
  • When it the last time you took time to change you because darkness cannot commingle with light?

We all have aspects of our life that don’t line up. What is your life speaking? When was the last time you gave a listening ear, an understanding heart, a supportive hand, an answer full of wisdom and life, instead of a scripted, biased, unconcerned answer? Robot or Human? Have you let Love decide.

Thoughts to consider:

  • If God created us in his image and likeness, what is not like God?
  • If we all have good and evil in us, what does evil look like?
  • What internal boundaries have we crossed because we didn’t know what to do? How did you handle it? How will you grow from it?
  • How did it feel when you needed help or that touch and no one was available or cared, How do you think others feel when we don’t have the time?
  • Are you living your Crazy Life because you follow the norm of Crazy? If so why? What will you do to change.

Being human is not the excuse of living life in reckless abandon, rather the privilege of living life to the Glory of God.

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